Winter wonderland - Kennard family

Despite frigid temperatures (as in so cold my fingers would be frozen and unable to push the buttons on the camera after about 5 seconds of shooting), we got some great shots! The poor little girls hands were just frozen but they were troopers! Enjoy!

Baby Steele

I had so much fun photographing this little guy. Mama brought a bunch of fun props and little man was perfect for the shoot! Isn't he the cutest?

Canepari family

I couldn't be happier for this family.  They recently adopted this sweet girl and it makes my heart happy to see them together as a family!

Kelsie senior pics

I had so much fun taking Kelsie's senior pictures!  She was such a trooper, even when I told her to kiss her duck.  Plus she's beautiful, which made it that much more fun!

Baby Grey

I think I could photograph newborns all day long.  I just love them!  And why do they have to smell so dang good??  I can't get enough of them.  This little cutie is my cousin Nicole's baby boy.  I made the 5 hour trek just to get take his pictures, and he did not disappoint!

Another cute family