2 pretty girls

I shot this little cutie when she was just 2 weeks old and she's 1 now! So dang cute. Big sister also came along for the shoot.



Day 2

Day 2 of the workshop was much more successfull as far as the weather cooperating for the shoots. We shot a soon to be bride and groom who looked amazing and once again, were such a troopers being drug all over and told what to do by 15 different people all snapping pictures of them like paparazzi.
After we wrapped up the shoots we headed back to the party house for more enlightenment from Wendy and Tyler. The weekend was a total success and such a blast!

Blue Lily rocked my world

Two full days with Wendy and Tyler (aka Blue Lily Photography) and my brain literally wanted to explode (but in a good way!). The first day was spent sitting around a kitchen table at the party house, lap tops open and pens taking notes as fast as they could. Then that evening, we all crossed our fingers and headed up the canyon praying for the clouds to take their rain elsewhere. We weren't so lucky. It poured and poured! We made our way part way back down the canyon and found an old abandoned concrete building. We were determined to have the photo shoot! The 2 families were such troopers! My husband would have been outta there!
After the shoot we decided to get our grub on at Cafe Rio. I think there were 11 people that attended the workshop and only 3 of us were Utahns! The others all flew in from all over the U.S. It's no secret that I'm retarded when it comes to driving in Salt Lake county, so it's a good thing the others weren't following me when I somehow ended up clear over in the foothills of Draper when I was supposed to be on 12300 South! Oops! I don't drive in Salt Lake county OK, it gets me flustered and lost pretty much every time! Anyway, I made it to Cafe Rio where my sweet pork salad was waiting for me, then headed home to recharge for day 2 of the workshop! To be continued.....