Nicole and Trent got married..

My cousin Nicole got married last weekend and asked me to do the pictures after the wedding. Talk about pressure! Her photographer couldn't be there that day so the bride and groom went to the temple the day before to do bride/groom pictures, so at least I didn't have to try to pull that off. I figured the other pictures are just big group pictures and there's nothing artistic to that so I could probably handle it. Still a little stressful though! The wedding was packed full! I think I heard 87 people were packed into the sealing room. Needless to say, it was a little chaotic trying to take pictures with everyone after! I did learn one thing that must drive wedding photographers crazy though, it is near impossible to have everyone looking at you in any given photo. Because there are usually like 5 other people with cameras standing behind and around you taking pictures, apparently no one knows which camera to look at and you end up with a bunch of pictures where only half the people are looking at you. Other than that minor problem, I think I got some decent pictures! Nicole looked beautiful as always. They both were on cloud 9 and just so happy!


My grandpa was able to seal them. His memory is slowly going, so he was very nervous about the whole thing. He did great and made it through it. He even managed to crack a joke as he walked into the sealing room, saying to Nicole, "I don't know if we're going to be able to seal you two with Keith (Nicole's dad) going around kissing everyone!"

The bride and groom with all 15 Ivins neices and nephews!

The Ivins siblings

Nicole and all her Blanding girlfriends!

Hey buddy! Can't forget Teresa! Love her!
They had their reception that night in my parents backyard. We were all a little nervous about the weather, but it turned out to be a beautiful day!
Nicole put her sister in charge of flowers and she did awesome! She went all out and put a lot of thought into each flower (and branch) she picked. Her and a bunch of Nicoles cousins and aunts were at my parents house the night before putting together center peices until about midnight. They looked amazing!

2 of the cute flower girls. The swing set got a lot of use out of it that night!
And here's the beautiful cake, made by Kaleigh Fisher (Trent's aunt)

All the cute little flower girls running around all night were so dang cute! Oh, and of course the big girls were cute too!
The whole wedding turned out so great. It was such a great fall event and all the pretty fall colors made for some good picture taking! Thanks for letting me be a part of your special day Nicole!


  1. I had no idea that you did photos!! they turned out well!! Good job noelle!

  2. Hey Noelle, I've been checking out your photos...super fun and cute. You are a bundle of talent. That photo of Whit and Hope on the swing is seriously awesome. Nice work, keep it up:)
