2 red haired little boys

A couple weeks ago I took some pictures of my friend Elyssa's 2 cute red haired little boys. I knew we wouldn't have a lot of time before the 2 of them gave up, so I just snapped as many as I could and I think we got some really cute shots.

This is Josh. He is an energetic little 4 year old. He is such a fun little boy and is good friends with my kids. He loves Scout and is so sweet to her.
Getting good pictures of him was easy. He was such a little poser and very cooperative (for about 20 mintutes :)
And this is Tyler. He's just as energetic as his big brother. This kid is a dare devil and will do anything. I don't think there's anything he's afraid of. Him and Maxon are good buddies, he's just 4 months younger than Maxon.
And here's a couple of them together...
They are such fun little boys. Hope you liked the pics Elyssa!

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