More cute babes! McCoy and Bryce

A couple weeks ago I got to go take some pictures of some more cute babies. My nephew McCoy was one of them! He is such a little cutie and after taking all these pictures I've decided he looks just like big brother Cohen.

How cute is he?! His big sister has super blond hair, and his big brother's is red, and he was born with brown! Diverse family!

When I took these pictures Heather also invited her friend Lawni over who has a little baby, Bryce, who I think is just a little older than McCoy. He was bright eyed until the very end!

Look at all that hair! Such cute little buddies! I'm sure it won't be long before they are raising havoc in the neighborhood.

Baby Adison

While I was in Blanding last week I also got to go take some pictures of my cousin's, Shawn and Kathryn's, baby Adison. She is super cute and looks just like her big sis. She was so good through the whole thing until we got out the cowboy hat, then she wasn't having any of it! This first picture turned out to be one of my favorite pictures I've taken so far. I just love the tones, her cute little outfit and the sweetness of a sleeping baby.

They blessed her a few days later and here's her super cute blessing dress.
Love her! Such a sweetie! I'm almost done with all of them Kathryn. If you're coming up for Nicole's shower on Tuesday I'll bring them to you then, otherwise I can mail the disc to you! Hope you like them!

Baby Gaige!

My good friend Tiff had her baby a few weeks ago and while I was in Blanding I got to go take some pictures of him. He is such a handsome little guy! And his big brother Cash is such a cutie too! He knows how to work the camera! Thanks again Tiff! It was so good to see you! Here are a few of my favs!